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World-Leading crane manufacturer TADANO FAUN accelerates its design processes with HyperWorks (CAE)
TADANO FAUN uses the suite of HyperWorks tools to perform FEM structural analysis. With the deployment of HyperWorks (leading CAE tool), they were able to generate accurate finite element method (FEM) results. The major benefits are:
  • Faster time to results
  • Flexible unit-based licensing model
  • Cost reduction
India based Ashok Leyland implemented HyperWorks Technology (CAE) application in early concept design stage to enable weight reduction of Cast and Forged Parts
Ashok Leyland implemented HyperWorks Technology to reduce cost and improve reliability of the components in design and   development of Track rod lever of steering system whose failure will be disastrous.
It has yielded a significant benefit of reducing the mass of the track rod lever by 11% with displacement and stress values maintained within permissible limits.
Tata Consultancy Services uses ANSYS software (CAE tool) to design a new front axle for a commercial tractor
Tata Consultancy Services is using ANSYS software to design a new front axle for a commercial tractor, equal in strength and reliability to the existing one, but with a significant reduction in weight. Its significant benefits are:
  • Ability to pinpoint high-stress locations in the existing design
  • Evolution of new design with smaller components, yielding a weight reduction of approximately 40%
  • Significant savings in manufacturing costs
Onida uses NX NASTRAN (CAE) to compete in the global market
Onida the leading consumerable electronics manufacturers in INDIA has adopted NX NASTRAN for Larger cycle time incapacitated ability to compete in the global market.
  • With efficient digital product validation using NX, new products were introduced to market 25 percent faster
  • 7 to 8 new products per year output versus 2 previously
  • More compact products and more accurate designs made their products more competitive
  • One prototyping cycle was eliminated, thus reducing cost and time
Services Précicad is using NX CAE and NX Nastran, to optimize a cargo for strength, weight, production costs and ease of recycling
Services Précicad Inc. (Précicad) is a multidisciplinary team of engineers, industrial designers, technicians and drafters providing consulting services for product development, with special emphasis on industrial design, mechanical design and finite element analysis (FEA). Clients include Cirque de Soleil, Garant, RioTinto Alcan, SigmaDek, Volvo Buses and GE Hydro.
Précicad’s challenge was to design and manufacture a small fleet of electrically powered utility vehicles with bodies and frames made of aluminum instead of steel. Its client requested a load-carrying capacity of 1,000 pounds. In terms of timing, the smelter was at the point where it needed to replace its existing vehicles, so Précicad agreed to have a working model ready within six months to a year.
Using NX on this project enable Précicad to create a utility vehicle that was ready on-time and more than met its requirements. Précicad had a working prototype ready to show the customer in 6 months. The significant benefits achieved deploying CAE are:
  • Lower weight contributing to longer operation time per battery charge
  • 60 percent fewer welds means lower production costs
  • 1,500-pound carrying capacity exceeded original requirements
Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)
Computer-aided engineering (CAE) is the use of computer software to simulate performance in order to improve product designs or assist in the resolution of engineering problems for a wide range of industries. This includes simulation, validation, and optimization of products, processes, and manufacturing tools.
Benefits of CAE
The benefits of CAE include reduced product development cost and time, with improved product quality and durability.
  • Design decisions can be made based on their impact on performance.
  • Designs can be evaluated and refined using computer simulations rather than physical prototype testing, saving money and time.
  • CAE can provide performance insights earlier in the development process, when design changes are less expensive to make.
  • CAE helps engineering teams manage risk and understand the performance implications of their designs.
  • Integrated CAE data and process management extends the ability to effectively leverage performance insights and improve designs to a broader community.
  • Warranty exposure is reduced by identifying and eliminating potential problems. When properly integrated into product and manufacturing development, CAE can enable earlier problem resolution, which can dramatically reduce the costs associated with the product lifecycle.

CAE Softwares
Here are some of the popular CAE software applications:
NX Nastran is a finite element solver that analyzes stress, vibration, structural failure/durability, heat transfer, noise/acoustics and flutter/aeroelasticity.
HyperMesh is the universal standard for FE Modeling across the globe in automotive, aerospace and plastic domains. HyperMesh can import geometry from the available CAD tools
ANSYS software is an easy-to-use software package with tools to conceptualize, design, and validate ideas on the desktop.
  • It is used in more than 20000 companies in 40 countries
  • Top product design companies in India use ANSYS
  • ANSYS users are preferred for CAE positions
Facts in the market:
According to a study done by the NASSCOM & management consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton:
  • Global spending on engineering services is projected to increase to $1.1 trillion by 2020.
  • The report also indicates that the market is highly fragmented - automotive at 19 %, aerospace at 8 % and utilities at 3 %.
  • India’s current share is in engineering service market is less than 12%. India’s share can grow from the present 12% to 30% by 2020 & could create up to two-lakhs additional job in the country, i.e.,  the Indian Industry can account for ~ $25 billion from off shoring engineering services by 2020.

Learn CAE tools – your passport for an exciting career


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